Well.. I won't tell who the smelly one was.. but it was really ripe. I do know that I had so much anticipation of coming to the event.. and he really messed it up for me. But I do want ya to know that we are having, in Texas, a Hasty Retreat Decompression Session in March, sponsored by Yours Truly. We have a few gals already signed up. This is a girls only event.. so, if you are anxious, depressed, and wanting to hang out with people and have a good time and just relax.. this is it. I have cleared it with The Crabby One <husband> and he'll be wandering off to some relatives down south. He won't be here with his crabby self. This will be purely Girls' Week... Weekend... out. Eyegirl has said she'll bring her traveling spa.. which does not include a steam room, masseuse, or weight benches.. but I was thinkin we could just pamper ourselves for the week. Mud facials... painting each other's toenails.. listening to romantic songs.. and eating lots of chocolate and doing what *we* wanna do ... We're gonna have fun. I have a pool, so those who like to swim, can. I also have three well trained Quarter Horses that love to go riding.. so if you wanna do that, you can. I have a nice screened in back porch for those late night serious chats, and two computers for those of you that can't resist getting on the Internet. I am only asking that we all share in the food and beverage costs, evenly. I also have a lake for those of you that like to go fishing... which I am guessing there isn't many. We have fishing poles for those that do. I have two guest rooms, plus one daybed in the studio, and a futon in the office for two. We can all stay here.. but maybe if it gets too crowded we can bunk in a tent or something. In Texas, in march, it's good weather. I also have Lifetime Television For Women.. so those who are TV addicts can get their fill. <smiles>
Well... lemme know whatcha think.